Students must assume full responsibility for knowledge of all of the deadlines, forms, rules, regulations and requirements of the program as detailed in the handbook and on the IGPE website. Graduate work is an extremely rewarding endeavor that demands rigorous scholarship, research, creativity, and professional competence. We welcome you to our vibrant community of scholars, teachers and researchers!
Carefully review the IGPE Handbook for information and answers to commonly asked questions.
Make copies of all of applications, documents, course registrations, etc.
Check the program website for updated program details once a semester.
Notify IGPE of an official change of name.**
Notify IGPE of changes to your email address or mailing address so that information and other mailings can be properly directed.
*For questions not answered in this document, please email the appropriate staff person as indicated in this document. By doing so, you will lessen the time you wait for a response. You can expect our staff to respond to your email within five U.S. business days, so please resend your email if you do not receive a response after five days.
**The formal name that is written on a student’s applications for admission will be the only name that will be recognized in the SUNY Buffalo State system and by our office. All official records will be registered under that name unless we are notified of a change. Our staff, professors, and the Buffalo State data system do not recognize nicknames or different last names. It is important that students use the same name on all forms including course registrations and all correspondence with our office.
International Graduate Programs for Educators
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